
April 11, 2016 On Monday, April 11th 2016, we succeeded in making the first methane production in the BioCat Project, which is a very important milestone.   On Monday at noon, Doris Hafenbradl, CTO at Electrochaea, introduced the seed culture of Archaea into the BioCat reactor, and within...

October 30, 2015 An innovative power-to-gas technology has the potential of increasing the current biogas production in Europe enormously by enabling cost-effective methods to convert CO2 from biogas production and excess electricity from wind and solar into natural gas. The large-scale ForskEL demonstration project, BioCat, is...

October 28, 2015   Don’t underestimate the power of wastewater. This sentence summarises the objective of the EU co-funded project POWERSTEP, a project led by research and industry players working to convert sewage treatment plants into power production facilities while still achieving high quality water treatment.   Read the...

Aug 13, 2013   Electrochaea is pleased to announce the commissioning of its power-to-gas demonstration facility in Foulum, Denmark. Using a 10,000-liter bioreactor, the project showcases the world’s largest power-togas demonstration facility based on biological methanation. The project is operated by ApS, a wholly owned subsidiary...